Funeral Director Round Table Event:
The first in a series of three roundtables for Funeral Directors took place on the 18th March, where a great cross section of this division of the sector was well represented. We took time to understand what the ESG was trying to do in terms of working right across the Bereavement Sector in addressing the Climate Emergency and the implications it has for all involved.
By splitting the attendees into smaller groups with the following questions we have been able to gain a first-hand insight into the challenges and barriers currently experienced.
1. Where do you believe the Funeral Director element of the sector sits in relation to the Climate Emergency issue?
2. What do you believe are the main concerns for the sector?
3. What will help you most to address these concerns?
4. Who else in your sector needs to hear this message?
We have a number of spaces open for our next event on the 13th May 2021, where we will review the last meeting, consider progress, identify the barriers, and address some food for thought.
If you are a Funeral Director in the sector and would like one of the spaces at the table please send your request to be included to
A copy of the presentation can be downloaded from the link below: